David Cruz: Owner of Eight Chickens and Self-proclaimed Mezcal Connoisseur

Film Wedding Photographer from Oaxaca Anchored in Los Angeles

Dixeebee (dee-shee-bay) exclamation, informal: proclaiming gratitude towards mother earth when expressing good wishes before drinking Mezcal

I'm David Cruz, The Drunk Wedding Photographer. A fire rabbit Sagittarius, I own eight chickens, hate the summer, despise wearing shoes, and was born in the slums of Oaxaca, Mexico. I’m a self-proclaimed mezcal and street taco connoisseur—a polite way of saying I eat with my hands and prefer to day drink. And thanks to my twelve years in the LAUSD from the mid-90s to early 2000s, I’m a certified L.A. local as much as the next guy is.